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Online Launch Process Step 2 - Getting to Know Your Avatar

avatar online business launch Feb 04, 2021

This is part of the series that is designed to complement the free downloadonline business launch infographic

Online Business Launch Strategy (21 step Process, Tech and Launch infographic).

If you don't have that yet, go to the download page to get it now before reading this post.


Process Step 2 - Your Avatar

Anyone who has any sort of success in the online world - really anywhere you are looking to sell a product or service - you must know a great deal about who you are trying to serve and sell to.

This is all about your niche.

But more important than your niche, is your ideal customer within that niche.

This is your avatar.

And here is the thing you need to get and believe from day 1:

You're marketing will only ever be as good as your knowledge of your avatar.

Cheat on this step and you will forever be leaving money on the table. It's that simple.

Get to know your avatar so well that you can describe them in very specific terms.

That means everything.

This means knowing more than their demographics.  It also means

  • their hopes and dreams
  • their values
  • their sources of pain
  • their objections
  • where they hang out
  • what information sources they consume
  • what resources they use
  • what they buy
  • what makes them angry and drives other strong emotions
  • what they are committed to, and
  • what challenges they are facing.

You may need to know your avatar BETTER than you know your best friend or yourself!

The second part is that you need to really know, and not just guess.

Mark Twain said:

 “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “ – Mark Twain

If you guess and get it wrong, then your marketing will be 'off' and you won't make the sales you expect, and wonder what is wrong.


Fortunately I have a template for this, but I don't just give this one out in website links.  Nope, it's too valuable.  It's what I use with client's paying big money for one-on-one help.

And it's what I use myself, so it's quite valuable to me.

If you came here from my Launch Experts email series, then you will get the link in day 3's email.  If you didn't and want it, then you'll need to join the series and you'll get the link on day 2.  Click the button at the top of the page to get the Online Business Launch info graphic, and you'll also be subscribed to the Launch Experts email series.  The avatar template will come through on day 3.

So what's next?

The next step is all about your first quick-win funnel.



Hi, I'm Guy Mullon.  I've been creating, building, mentoring, coaching and consulting online for many years.  But I spent too many of those spinning wheels and chasing rabbits, that never produced the results that those leads promised.  I've put this series together to help you cut through the noise and see the process step by step to building your online masterpiece, and getting to your first sale and growing from there. The Online Launch Strategy Info-graphic gives you the overview, and Kajabi makes it all possible in one place.  If you aren't using Kajabi yet, why not get a free trial and get started today.

P.S. a free Kajabi trial through us gets you USD$500 in bonuses included to speed your progress and stop overwhelm.



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