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Online business launch part 1 - the big picture

Starting an Online Business - Process Step 1 - the BIG PICTURE

big picture online business launch Feb 03, 2021

This is part of the series that is designed to complement the free downloadonline business launch infographic

Online Business Launch Strategy (21 step Process, Tech and Launch infographic).

If you don't have that yet, go to the download page to get it now before reading this post.


 Process Step 1 - Defining The Big Picture

One really common problem with getting into an online business is that it is actually far bigger and complicated than it first appears.  And when you get immersed in it, SO many options and choices start coming out of everywhere. You get tempted to go left, right, up, down ... everywhere but where you should be.

The online world brings to mind the classic imagery of not being able to see the forest for the trees.

And building your venture becomes a bit like the Israelite's in the deserts of Egypt spending 40 years on a journey that should have taken a few weeks...

... and building an online business can end up taking many orders of magnitude longer than it should.

And your big picture is what pulls you back onto the right path.

So you need to decide this now before all the distractions and shiny toys pop up.  You need to decide what your big picture is now while you are 'in the light' so that when you are in the darkness of everything that is closing in around you, your big picture is there to bring back the right perspective.

make sense?

So it may seem like a small thing now, but it will be so valuable to you later.

Trust me on this one.

Answer These Questions

So to map out your Big Picture, work out:

  • WHAT big problem is your online masterpiece going to solve?
  • WHO are you going to solve it for (very specifically your ideal avatar)?
  • WHY are you doing this? ... why this and why you?
  • WHAT makes you a great person to solve it (skills, experience, giftings, other)?
  • at a high level, HOW are you going to do this?
  • and HOW is it going to be financed (eg can/will those who you are marketing to pay for it)?
  • HOW long will this take?
  • HOW much will it cost you? (hint, there are more costs than just money)
  • WHAT'S your plan for getting enough support (NO ONE succeeds alone, so don't try)?

Now, write out your vision in a sentence or two.

Here is an example format:

... My vision is to [solve problem] because I must achieve [your aspiration] for me and achieve [aspiration for others] for [who are the others]. This will bring me [benefit for me] and for my family [family benefits] and for my avatar [benefits for my avatar] so that they don't [consequences if I don't succeed].  I expect this to cost me and my family [your cost] but reward us with [benefits] and take [length of time] to achieve.  I will get support by [my support plan] to ensure I see if through.

There are other variations on this theme, but that's a start.

Your big picture gets refined over time, but it should fundamentally lay out the core reasons why you are going to put yourself and others through this.  When it gets hard, you'll need your big picture, and thank me that you spent time on it.

So what's next?

The next step is all about your avatar.



Hi, I'm Guy Mullon.  I've been creating, building, mentoring, coaching and consulting online for many years.  But I spent too many of those spinning wheels and chasing rabbits, that never produced the results that those leads promised.  I've put this series together to help you cut through the noise and see the process step by step to building your online masterpiece, and getting to your first sale and growing from there. The Online Launch Strategy Info-graphic gives you the overview, and Kajabi makes it all possible in one place.  If you aren't using Kajabi yet, why not get a free trial and get started today.

P.S. a free trial through us gets you USD$500 in bonuses included to speed your progress and stop overwhelm.



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