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online business launch process step 6

Online Launch Process Step 6 - Creating Your Solution

offer online business launch Feb 11, 2021

This is part of the series that is designed to complement the free downloadonline business launch infographic

Online Business Launch Strategy (21 step Process, Tech and Launch infographic).

If you don't have that yet, go to the download page to get it now before reading this post.


Process Step 6 - Your Ideal Solution

In Launch Process Step Three you created a funnel to guide your avatar into your world.

In Launch Process Step Four you worked out your plan to bring traffic into your funnel.

Then in Launch Process Step Five you planned out the journey that your avatar needs to go on if they are to achieve the transformation they are seeking for themselves.

Flowing somewhat naturally out of that process should come Launch Process Step 6 - Creating the Paid Solution that you will offer to your avatar.

I Don't Like Selling

The elephant in the room we need to deal with first is this - you hate selling.

I know.  I'm like you.

And when I was running in person business workshops at gyms, wineries and conference venues, to fill them up I had to do the worst type of all - cold call telemarketing.  Yuk!

I hated it ...  so once I had a system down pat, I hired someone else to do them for me.

Selling online is a dream in comparison because  you don't have to wear the rejection quite so personally.  If someone doesn't like your offer, they just click off and move on.

But you still have to sell.

Why? because if you don't sell this is what will happen:

  • Very few of your avatars will know about your great solutions to their very real problems
  • You won't sell your solution other than to friends and family who feel sorry for you
  • The people who need what you have to offer won't get it in their hands, and will go about their lives struggling in the same problems that YOU could have solved
  • If you haven't done your best to bring your solutions to their attention, then you have let your avatar down
  • You haven't got a business, just a hobby.  Businesses make money, hobbies eat money, and
  • You won't be able to sustain it.  You will get discouraged, down on yourself, feel like a failure and have to go back to being stuck doing what you hate to make a living instead.

All because you couldn't deal with some upfront discomfort with putting forward your solutions.

So How Do I Get Over My Resistance to Sell?

There are many many awesome resources on 'how to sell'.  Too many to name, but if you want to dig into this area, then check out books and audio books from Ray Edwards, Seth Godin, Zig Ziglar, Donald Miller, Dan Kennedy, Bernadette Jiwa, Michael Port and Jeff Walker.

I can't get close to their expertise, but here are some pointers that have helped me:

  1. You need to believe 100% in what you are offering.  If there is any doubt, keep working with people for free, refining your offer and solution, until the doubt is gone.
  2. Remember that your avatar NEEDS what you have, and THEY win big time when they buy and implement your solution
  3. Think through and remind yourself where your avatar will be in 5 years if they don't implement what you have to offer
  4. If you have done the pre-selling well, then the offer to buy comes naturally and does not seem at all like 'selling'.
  5. If your offer can deliver 10x what it costs your avatar to buy it, then your offer and solution package is on point.

Those simple points have helped me immensely refine my offer, my solution, increase my motivation to do better and break down my resistance to sell. 

 Use Your Avatar Journey To Create Your Solution

A great solution to, at some point sell to your avatar, will come out of all your previous work from steps 1 to 5.  You've answered questions like: Why do it, why you, who is your avatar, what problems do they come to you with, what problems don't they know about that are coming their way, what have you solved so far, what obstacles will they face and what is going to bring the transformation that will bring them from big problem to lasting solution?

Just some of the questions you should have answered by now.

Summarizing all that, your solution will come out of a sweet spot between these 4 things:

  1. YOUR SUPERPOWER: What you are good at, have experience, had results with and can do better than most others
  2. THE NEED: What problem actually needs to be solved by quite a few people
  3. YOUR HEART: What you love to do - that you'll happily wake up early on a Monday and get to it, and
  4. GETTING PAID: What your avatar will actually pay for.

If your solution does not fit into all 4 - then Houston, we have a problem!

Go back and re-look at steps 1 to 5.

Creating Your Solution

Once you have got that far;

  1. Flesh out the outline of your solution (scope inclusions & exclusions).  Core inclusions + bonuses
  2. What transformation will it bring your avatar and how? (what prerequisites are required from you and them)
  3. Determine how you will deliver it (eg all online, all in person, combination etc)
  4. Work out how you will sustain it (I like to plan out my ideal week through to even my ideal year to see what I'm planning will look like over an extended period)
  5. Determine the economics.  (eg it is not good offering 1-1 coaching at $20/hr, as you'll quickly burn out all your time and energy.  That's a lot of coaching to only make $500/week)
  6. How will you create it (time + tech)?
  7. What support will you need? (how will you find it?)
  8. How will / have you validated it with your avatar?

It's a project that will go smoother the better you plan out in advance thinking through these issues.

The last point above is one that requires a bit of an extra mention, because SO many people create stuff that doesn't sell (me included).  SO it's why steps 1 to 5 were so important.

I know.  I've been there.

Your Solution

So, what's the next for you?

This should have given you plenty to think about, but that's not enough.

What is your biggest takeaway from reading this, and your next action step?

I'd love to know.  Email me (go to contact page) and let me know your next step.


Coming up next

Next we have our last process step, planning for your launch countdown.



Hi, I'm Guy Mullon.  I've been creating, building, mentoring, coaching and consulting online for many years.  But I spent too many of those spinning wheels and chasing rabbits, that never produced the results that those leads promised.  I've put this series together to help you cut through the noise and see the process step by step to building your online masterpiece, and getting to your first sale and growing from there. The Online Launch Strategy Info-graphic gives you the overview, and Kajabi makes it all possible in one place.  If you aren't using Kajabi yet, why not get a free trial and get started today.

P.S. a free Kajabi trial through us gets you USD$500 in bonuses included to speed your progress and stop overwhelm.



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