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online launch tech step1 resources

Online Business Launch Tech Step 1 - Gathering Your Resources

online business launch tech resources Feb 15, 2021

This is part of the series that is designed to complement the free downloadonline business launch infographic

Online Business Launch Strategy (21 step Process, Tech and Launch infographic).

If you don't have that yet, go to the download page to get it now before reading this post.

Part 2 (Tech), Step 1   - Resources

Ok then, it' time to get the tech under control.

You should have come here after getting the info-graphic mentioned above, and then you should have worked through Part 1 - Online Business Launch Process.

If you haven't done that, then go back and do that work.  This part follows on and requires that work to be done first.

Love it or Hate It

People I work with tend to fall into two camps;

  1. They hate tech and no matter how hard they try, they can't 'get it'.  It's like the logic was developed by an alien, or
  2. Like me, they love it and just need a little help and off they go.

I'm not sure what camp you're in, but your approach through part 2 of this series will be a little different depending on who you are.

Group 1 is probably not going to be going heavy on tech DIY, while group two will be temped to do at least some yourself.

Whichever way you choose is fine, but before you decide this you need to take stock of what you are going to need.

You need to gather your resources.

What Tech Resources Do I Need?

Right, so I'm going to make this easy for you.  Well, not me actually. The folks at Kajabi have made it easy for you.

Because using Kajabi as your platform for your online product launch (or overall business launch) makes things 1000x simpler than trying to piece together tech from across the internet to work with your Wordpress of Squarespace website.

Apple vs PC

I liken Kajabi to the world of computers battle between Apple vs Windows.

If you like to spend the time tinkering DIY style under the hood, then maybe Windows or Linux on a PC is your style.  But if you want things to look and run smoothly in an integrated and stylish way, then the Apple environment is probably more your style.

The trade off is that the Apple environment will be a little less customizable, and cost a little more money, but unless you are highly skilled in Windows cmd commands, you will probably save a heap of time and stress using Apple vs using Windows 10.

What's the connection?

... because using the Kajabi environment is a little like migrating to the Apple universe.  It costs more on the ticket price, but it will work in an smooth integrated unobtrusive manner so you can get your work done quickly.

So then, what resources do you need and which ones does Kajabi provide?

Well, I've made a bit of a list based on MY experience.  And this is what I think (feel free to disagree!)

Online Tech Basics

 This first table is a list of the tech you will probably need for your online platform to be able to host, market and sell a digital product.

DISCLAIMER: I don't guarantee this list to be complete, nor that you will need everything here.  Every situation is different, but this is a list I've compiled from my own use and from assisting clients.  If you have suggestions to improve this list, let me know here.  Please note that I have used every suggestion here and have no financial relationship with any of the mentioned websites or services, other than Kajabi, with whom I am an affiliate partner.

As you can see, Kajabi can handle most of what you need to get started online and importantly, get you to your first sale.

What Else?

I've also put together another table for you that lists out some of the other tech that you may need.  Again, you may not need some of these items, or may need things that aren't listed.  This is just a list to get you started to help you build your own tech resource list.


Again, any ideas for improvement, let me know here and I'll consider adding your suggestions.

Coming up next

Next up, Tech step #2 - building your first funnel.



Hi, I'm Guy Mullon.  I've been creating, building, mentoring, coaching and consulting online for many years.  But I spent too many of those spinning wheels and chasing rabbits, that never produced the results that those leads promised.  I've put this series together to help you cut through the noise and see the process step by step to building your online masterpiece, and getting to your first sale and growing from there. The Online Launch Strategy Info-graphic gives you the overview, and Kajabi makes it all possible in one place.  If you aren't using Kajabi yet, why not get a free trial and get started today.

P.S. a free Kajabi trial through us gets you USD$500 in bonuses included to speed your progress and stop overwhelm.



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